速報APP / 個人化 / Nuclear Fallout 2k Multi Theme

Nuclear Fallout 2k Multi Theme





版本需求:Android 2.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:Pavlov Pavel Pavlovich Poste Restante Tolyatti Russia 445039

Nuclear Fallout 2k Multi Theme(圖1)-速報App

Key features:

1780 icons (More icons will be added by your request!)

10 wallpapers

Multi theme for launchers

Theme for Go Weather EX Widgets

Nuclear Fallout 2k Multi Theme(圖2)-速報App

Theme for Go SMS Pro

Theme for ExDialer

Theme for Go Locker


This is not a standalone app!

Nuclear Fallout 2k Multi Theme(圖3)-速報App

This theme works with following apps:

• Go Weather EX (weather widgets)

• Go SMS Pro (SMS application)

• ExDialer (dialer)

• Go Locker (screen lock)

Nuclear Fallout 2k Multi Theme(圖4)-速報App

This theme works with following launchers:

• GO Launcher EX (Recommended launcher)

• Apex Launcher

• Next Launcher 3D (icons and wallpapers only)

• ADW Launcher (icons and wallpapers only)

Nuclear Fallout 2k Multi Theme(圖5)-速報App

• Nova Launcher (icons and wallpapers only)

• Holo Launcher (icons and wallpapers only)

• Atom Launcher (icons and wallpapers only)

How to apply the themes:

1. Tap on the "Open" button after the installation, or on the icon in app drawer.

Nuclear Fallout 2k Multi Theme(圖6)-速報App

2. Follow the instructions.

Some devices may not change the icons automatically.

1.Tap and hold an app in desk screens. (Not available in app list.)

2.Replace -> Choose the theme's icons.

Let's make this theme better together!

Nuclear Fallout 2k Multi Theme(圖7)-速報App

If you want to add a new icons for any android application, just let me know! To send icon requests and make things much easier you can install one very handy app.

It's called Icon Request https://goo.gl/JlHBy8

It will simply list all of your apps' activities and you can select the ones that aren't themed/missing and send the list.

Please make sure to send your request on my email (3xpaul@gmail.com), because it's not mine e-mail in this app by default. I'll do it as quickly as possible for me.

I will also be grateful for your advice to improve the appearance. If you have any ideas, questions or suggestions then email me at 3xpaul@gmail.com

Nuclear Fallout 2k Multi Theme(圖8)-速報App

To avoid misunderstandings, it's highly recommended to use Google mail for your messages to me! Since the other mail services sometimes move your messages to the "spam" or my replies are lost.